Herbalife Vitrilife Immune Health 

Vitrilife Immune Booster is smart nutrition for your immune system. It also contains key vitamins and minerals that contribute towards the normal function of the immune system, such as vitamins C and D, Selenium and Zinc. Formulated with ancient Ayurvedic knowledge along with established research and technology. 


Important ingredients are –

  • Kalmegh
  • Tulasi
  • Kutaki

Key Features: 

  • 100% pure extracts of Kalmegh and Tulasi.
  • Kalmegh extract has been tested at 5 stages to ensure quality.
  • Verified quality of Kalmegh extract having traceability right from the farm.
  • Contains other traditional ingredients from Ancient Ayurvedic knowledge such as Kutaki. 


  • Standardized extracts of Tulasi and Kalmegh in this product helps manage the body’s natural immunity and maintain a healthy life. 
  • Tulasi helps support cellular defence and promotes natural immunity.
  • Kalmegh helps manage symptoms of common cold. 

How to use?

One tablet twice daily. 

Target consumer group: Anyone who wants to strengthen their immune system. 

Note: AP-Bio® (Andrographis paniculata) is a registered trademark of Natural Remedies Private Ltd.

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