Weight loss with Herbalife

Looking for healthy ways to lose weight? 

Discover the best weight management strategies from our team. Contact your weight management coach at +91 8617750058.

Weight loss journey can be gruelling for some. It is essential to balance various factors like sufficient workout, proper diet, water intake, nutritional intake and good sleep to achieve weight management goals faster. In today’s day and age, one is always struggling to do multiple things in a limited period of time. Our weight management goals can get compromised in the midst of day-to-day hustle. Hence, the need for nutritional shakes and energy drinks. Such formulations help boost one’s energy levels, immune system, metabolic rate and keep one motivated enough. Herbalife is one brand that has a range of interesting combos and drinks that aid in weight control and management. You can find amazing flavoured drinks, providing you with both nutrition and taste.

“My name is Sweta Mukherjee and I am Health & Wellness coach. My passion is helping people live a nutrient rich healthy lifestyle and to educate them to have an understanding of nutritional benefits and importance of Herbalife balanced healthy meals so that they feel good all day all time.”

Testimonial from one of my customers

These results are not typical individual results may vary from person to person

Results from customers and coaches who started Herbalife with our team

These results are not typical individual results may vary from person to person

Do you want to know your customised weight loss plan???

Let me know your contact information and I will contact you to help you with your weight loss

    weight loss Herbalife

    Things you need to know to lose weight with Herbalife

    How to find out if you are a healthy weight?

    The body mass index (BMI) is a measure that uses your height and weight to calculate if your weight is healthy. BMI calculation divides an adult’s weight in kilograms (kg) by their height in metres (m) squared.

    Use BMI healthy weight calculator

    Weight and health

    Your BMI score can be considered as a starting point for further discussion about your weight (underweight, overweight or obese) and general health.

    A BMI above the healthy weight range or too much fat around your waist can increase your risk of serious health problems like hear disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and certain types of cancer. 

    Rapid weight loss system

    Some health professionals and researchers believe that dieting and weight-loss efforts may lead to further weight gain and poorer health.

    Achieve a Healthy Weight with our resources!

    When you have the right resources, it’s so much easier to achieve your weight management goals. Get started now and enjoy all of the benefits of improving your wellness.

    Each meal plan has three options:

    Choose the option within the plan that best suits your personal goals. 

    • Weight maintenance or Daily nutrition

    When coupled with an appropriate exercise program, this option replaces one meal per day (typically breakfast) with a shake.

    • Weight Loss

    This option promotes weight and fat loss when coupled with an appropriate exercise program and replaces two meals per day (typically breakfast and dinner) with a shake.

    Using this option, get more protein and calories by supplementing a healthy diet with up to three Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shakes per day. When coupled with an appropriate exercise program, gain healthy weight (as lean body mass).

    Ultimate Herbalife Weight Loss Package

    weight loss Herbalife

    “Eating less and exercising more” is just a simple answer to a very complex question how to lose weight!

    That’s right but you already experience that eat less and exercise more with extreme dedication and still not lose the weight you want. It’s all because of your hormones, which regulate how your body handles certain calories.

    The fact is that our bodies do not treat all calories the same. There are certain calories that make you fat, other calories that prevent you from burning fat and there are a few really good calories that actually force your body to burn fat.

    The key to weight loss is not counting calories. Losing weight has much more to do with eliminating the bad calories while increasing the good calories using a scientifically nutrient rich strategic system that takes into account how your body’s hormones allow it to process those nutrients.

    In other words, the failure to lose weight in the past has not been your fault. Instead, it’s a case where you have not been given the correct weight loss system.

    To correct your weight loss failure, we are providing a customised weight loss program and a step-by-step guidance to losing weight fast and keeping it off.

    The program is called Herbalife 21 Day Challenge. 

    Here’s why this program works so well so fast:

    • Instead of the belief “eat less and exercise more” our program guides you to eat essential nutrients that your body needs for good health and proper functioning, while eliminating all those nutrients that slow or even stop you from burning fat. 
    • Our program also utilizes several supplements that in combination with the diet helps to reduce your accrued body fat, maintain your lean body mass and increase your metabolism. 
    • It corrects the bad diet information that is so prevalent in other programs. 
    • It eliminates cellular inflammation which is a leading cause of weight gain. If we can take control of cellular inflammation, we can effectively increase our ability to lose weight, burn fat, increase metabolism and keep body fat from ever coming back. You can live a healthier and longer life by taking control of cellular inflammation
    • It produces weight loss results fast. Fast results keep you motivated towards achieving your weight loss goals. 
    • It is easy to follow. It is proved that strict, difficult to follow plans don’t work. You need a simple, easy-to-follow plan that makes losing weight a step-by-step breeze.

    Herbalife 21 Day Challenge for weight loss 

    How it works?

    This is a great plan to follow and an amazing package to try all Herbalife’s core products. The Herbalife 21 Day Challenge lasts for 21 consecutive days. Eating healthy and exercising are the key parts of the program. We have created packages that contain all the items required to complete the challenge.  

    Herbalife products are soy-based. Soy-based meal replacement products in combination with lifestyle changes have been found to aid weight loss and show improvement in body composition parameters of individuals with obesity. Soy protein is one of the major ingredients of Herbalife meal replacement shakes. 

    To choose your customized plan & meal guidance, to know how to follow and how to grab 21 days challenge…………..contact me.


    Important: Herbalife Nutrition products are exclusively sold ONLY through Herbalife Independent Associate distributors and NOT by unauthorized sellers selling on any e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, etc. Herbalife products purchased from these e-commerce platforms will not be protected. Your health is more important. Always purchase genuine Herbalife Nutrition products from an authorized Independent Associate. For details, please contact us or reach out to Herbalife Associate team at +91 9330949468.


    Your Herbalife Weight Loss Action Plan

    A well organised meal plan to lose weight and how to implement and. Herbalife Nutritional Shakes is a premium meal replacement supplement, which is formulated to help you lose weight in a healthy way.

    Shakes are extremely easy to prepare and carry during your busy/tight schedules and are always easy to drink. Our meal plans are set such a way that it is easy to achieve the goal of losing weight. 

    Our plans as below:

    Replace two meals with two shakes, tea, two nutritious snacks, a nutritious meal of your choice, regular hydration and light exercise.

    2 Shakes Options

    Option 1

    Substitute your breakfast and dinner with a Formula 1 Nutritional Shake

    weight loss Herbalife

    Option 2

    Substitute your breakfast and lunch with a Formula 1 Nutritional Shake

    weight loss Herbalife

    Option 3

    Substitute your lunch and dinner with a Formula 1 Nutritional Shake

    weight loss Herbalife

    Healthy Breakfast

    Breakfast is a very important meal because it kick-starts our metabolism and provides energy to use throughout the day. For breakfast, enjoy our great meals i.e., Herbalife Shakes which is prepared with Formula 1 Nutritional shake, Personalized Protein Powder and Shake Mate. You can add Afresh tea and Aloe according to your needs.

    Nutritious Snacks 

    Small amounts of fruits, vegetables and protein such as nuts, yogurt or low-fat cheese during mid-morning and in early evening can help you avoid overeating at lunch time and at dinner time respectively.


    Homemade Meals: Enjoy your favorite homemade foods but eat more protein & fibers, eat less carbohydrates and cut down your normal portion into half.
    Note: Lunch can be replaced with a Herbalife Shake if your dinner is a homemade meal.

    Tea (Optional): 

    Add 1 scoop of Afresh Mix to 200 ml hot water and drink it as a tea or coffee substitute. (Not recommended for children and pregnant women).


    Replace your dinner with Herbalife Shakes which is prepared with Formula 1 Nutritional shake, Personalized Protein Powder and Shake Mate. 

    Note: Dinner can be replaced with your favourite homemade meal (made up of more protein & fibers, less carbohydrates and cut down your normal portion into half) if your lunch is Herbalife Shake. 

    Regular Hydration

    Check your regular intake of fluids. Drink at least 2 to 3 liters of plain water on a daily basis to stay properly hydrated. 

    Be Self-motivated

    There is no magic! Since you didn’t gain all that weight overnight, you can’t lose them overnight! If you fail one day, eat fast-food, have greasy meal, or don’t exercise then don’t give up – be kind to yourself. Yes, you can achieve your goals! 

      11 thoughts on “Weight loss with Herbalife”

        1. Hello,

          Thanks for connecting.
          Yes we provide daily workout sessions, meal plan, nutritionist consultation, community connection and follow up.
          Please whatsapp at 8617750058. So that we can discuss in detail.


        2. Sweta Mukherjee


          Thanks for connecting.
          Yes we provide daily workout sessions, meal plan, nutritionist consultation, community connection and follow up.
          Please whatsapp at 8617750058. So that we can discuss in detail.


        1. Hello,

          Thanks for connecting.
          Yes we provide daily workout sessions, meal plan, nutritionist consultation, community connection and follow up.
          Please whatsapp at 8617750058. So that we can discuss in detail.


        2. Sweta Mukherjee


          Thanks for connecting.
          Yes we provide daily workout sessions, meal plan, nutritionist consultation, community connection and follow up.
          Please whatsapp at 8617750058. So that we can discuss in detail.


        1. Hello,

          Thanks for connecting.
          Yes we provide daily workout sessions, meal plan, nutritionist consultation, community connection and follow up.
          Please whatsapp at 8617750058. So that we can discuss in detail.


        1. Hello,

          Thanks for connecting.
          Yes we provide daily workout sessions, meal plan, nutritionist consultation, community connection and follow up.
          Please whatsapp at 8617750058. So that we can discuss in detail.


        2. Sweta Mukherjee


          Thanks for connecting.
          Yes we provide daily workout sessions, meal plan, nutritionist consultation, community connection and follow up.
          Please whatsapp at 8617750058. So that we can discuss in detail.


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